Football Jersey Numbers and What They Mean

If you have ever watched a football match, you must have noticed a number on the shirt of every player. A common conception is that, these numbers are allocated randomly, but in fact it is not like that. These numbers actually mean something. Let’s try to understand that.

Basically, these numbers are assigned to players according to their position in the field. It will help the referees to judge that a player can do what he is actually doing on the ground. For instance, player receiving the ball, should be eligible for that, according to his position on the ground. Here are the numbers, which are recommended according to the position of the players.

Typically, numbers from 1 to 9 are assigned to the quarter backs, kickers and Punters. Similarly, numbers from 10 to 19 are giving to Quarter backs and wide receivers.  These are very important positions and a referee can see the number to judge that player is plying on its actual position. Number from 20 to 39 are reserved for the running backs, corner backs and safeties. Numbers from 40 to 49 are allocated to the tight ends and corner backs usually. 50 to 59 is given to offensive linemen and defensive linemen along with line backer, while from 60 to 79 are given to offensive linemen and defensive linemen only. 80 to 89 is given to wide receivers and tight end players and in the last come the line Backer and defensive linemen, from 90 to 99.

If a player plays at more than one positions, the number will be given to him according to his primary position. Now, one can easily understand what these numbers mean. One can guess the position of his favorite player just by knowing the number on his shirt.