Football Agility Drills for Running Backs

In sports dictionary term “Agility” refers to the changing position of the whole body in a movement with balance. While running in the field, athletes move backward and forward with. They have to maintain body balance with gravity force. To make themselves fit for this special skill, they do different drills. These drills include many agility drills and “Running backs” is one of these.

There are a number of tips which can make good running backs. All football coaches use different techniques to make players leg muscles and body work together. We are discussing some most commonly but affecting drills today.

1. L-Drill: Place cones in shape of “L”. The purpose is to change positioning in three directions. This is also called 3 cones. It is used to measure speed with balance.

2. X-Drill: As the name shows, it can move athlete in different directions in diagonal position. Mark the place at the distance of 5yard in square shape with one center point. The player has to move backward and forward completing the shape of “X” in the box. Any other person can help while this drill by calling different places to change.

3. Run-Shuffle-Shuffle-Run: This technique helps in preparing any player best for defensive game. Spots are marked from 4 yards to 5 yards distance. The players have to run between these spots.

4. 123 Back: Running in three corners making a “T” shape with 5 yard distance each. The coach helps the player by asking him to run between certain corners. It is also called reaction drill.

5. Pro Agility Shuttle: This is a good technique to make 2 trainings in one drill. Three points are marked with 5 yard, 10 yard and again 5 yard distances. The player has to start move from the middle to left then backward to the right end and aging stops in the middle. It makes body agility better with the speed as well.